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Protecting Students: The Importance of Bullet Resistant Barriers in Schools

Protecting Students: The Importance of Bullet Resistant Barriers in Schools

Recent news headlines covered another tragic shooting in one of our nation’s schools, this time in Knoxville, Tennessee. School resource officers responded to a report of a student brandishing a weapon, and two police officers arrived on the scene. The student was cornered in a bathroom, and after shooting and seriously wounding a police officer, was killed when the other officer returned fire.

As tragic as this situation became, we need to consider that the tragedy may have been substantially greater if school resource officers had not been present. Unfortunately, we see many situations around the country where school resource officers are being eliminated from schools.

Police response time, particularly in schools without a resource officer, is not immediate. In the event of a 911 call involving an active shooter, or even the threat of one, police will be responding in force as quickly as possible. That's why it's crucial for schools to install bullet resistant barriers to protect students and staff during those critical moments before police arrive.

Covenant Security Equipment provides advisors who are able to discuss your needs and offer cost-effective solutions for protecting students. Our products include a variety of bullet resistant walls designed to stop a wide variety of weapons.

While these bullet resistant walls are one step in protection, other products such as secure doors are also essential in preventing intruders from breaking in and stopping gunfire. In some school tragedies, a perpetrator was able to walk into a room and fire at point blank range, something they would be unable to do with a secure door that cannot be easily kicked in.

Additionally, Covenant Security Equipment offers bullet resistant glass, which is effective in many applications. For example, internal windows may be replaced with these products, offering protection to students and faculty working in the school office.

These tragedies seem to be happening all too often, and frequently, when the dust settles, many people say, "We didn’t think this could happen here." Contact Covenant Security Equipment and speak with a qualified advisor to take the first step in enhancing protection for students and faculty.

 Knoxville Tennessee |  school resource officers   

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